
I’ve never blogged before. I’ve always wanted to, I just never have gotten into it. Not knowing what to write or if anyone would even be interested in what I had to say, but here I go.

I have decided to blog about my journey becoming a vegan. (:

Years ago, I used to make fun of vegans. I thought it was weird and something I would never do because I was taught that people eat meat. Its what I was told at a young age and if I thought about doing anything different, it wouldn’t happen. I was discouraged to try and get healthier because we didn’t eat that way. Or exercise. The only working out I did was at school. It wasn’t encouraged at home whatsoever. I started eating healthier when I moved out on my own and lived in Los Angeles where the vegan movement started taking shape even more. I started reading up on it, but I still had the mind set that I needed to eat meat with every meal.

I left Los Angeles and moved back in with my parents for a brief time before I moved to Colorado. I met my fiance and she was very aware of how bad things that we were consuming were affecting us so, she decided she was going to change her diet. And in turn, I also began to change mine way of thinking and my way of cooking. She was my inspiration to be a better person and make better choices for myself. So that being said, I’m still not completely 100% a vegan, but I’m almost there. (: No meat at all for almost 1 month and no dairy or eggs in a few weeks. Things are going great and I hope to continue to write and also post pictures of things we are cooking and things that we are doing. Looking forward to seeing where this blog goes. ❤


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